Publicly Commit to Avoid “Trigger Topics” Action: Identify specific topics that you find particularly enraging but not useful for your work or personal growth. Make a public or semi-public statement that you will refrain from posting or commenting on those issues. How it helps: By drawing a clear boundary around your “no-go” subjects, you reduce the temptation to jump in. Publicly sharing that commitment adds accountability. Keep a “Reply-to-Self” Journal Action: When you feel like venting on a social thread, write it down in a private journal or note-taking app instead—but only as a last resort. How it helps: Gets the frustration out of your system without fueling a public outrage cycle. Use this sparingly if you find it reinforces negative thought loops. Curate Your Feed Aggressively Action: Unfollow or mute people/hashtags/topics that frequently post content you find enraging or distracting. If someone mixes valuable insights with occasional outrage-bait, consider clicking hide/see less only on their triggering posts How it helps: You’ll see fewer triggers for heated arguments—while still keeping a connection to those who sometimes share useful information. Hide or Block Posts/Threads Proactively Action: As soon as you see a thread that riles you up, use the platform’s “Hide Post” or “Block Thread” feature if available. How it helps: Removes the temptation to keep checking replies or re-reading enraging content. Set a Personal “No-Weigh-In” Trigger Action: Define a mental or written rule, for example, “If this topic is purely sensational or if it’s feeding on drama, I will not weigh in.” The moment you notice it hits that threshold, disengage. How it helps: By labeling certain trending controversies as “no-weigh-in” zones, you spare yourself the aggravation and maintain focus on more meaningful discussions. Wait & Reflect Before Reading Comments Action: When you encounter a potentially heated post, wait until you’ve read or skimmed other unrelated content first. Then decide if you still want to see the comments. If you do, read them to observe, not necessarily to engage. How it helps: Adds a buffer of distance. Often, the initial flare of outrage subsides, making you less tempted to argue. Adopt a “1 Comment” or “No Comment” Rule Action: If you feel compelled to respond, allow yourself only one comment. Avoid follow-ups and do not check replies. How it helps: Short-circuits never-ending debates. You say your piece and then disengage. Practice the “Pause Before Reply” Technique Action: After you read something enraging, wait at least three minutes before writing a response. During those three minutes, keep scrolling or switch apps—do anything else. Then decide if it’s truly worth replying. How it helps: A short pause often calms the urge to comment. You can more rationally decide if it’s worth the mental energy. Set Boundaries with Friends/Followers Action: Post or pin a statement on your profile such as: “I’m here to share my work and insights. I won’t be engaging in lengthy debates.” How it helps: Lets your community know you’re deliberately avoiding arguments. You’ll feel less pressured to respond to provocations. Implement a “3 Good Posts” Rule Action: Before you close your social feed, find three positive or constructive posts and engage with them by liking, sharing, or commenting encouragingly. How it helps: Rewires your usage toward seeking out positivity. Algorithms learn from your engagement, so liking and commenting on good content can shift what you see over time. Create a Pre-Written Exit Line Action: If you do get stuck in a discussion, have a polite, short “exit line” ready. For instance, “I’ve shared my perspective—thanks for reading. Signing off now!” How it helps: Provides a swift, neutral closure that stops you from endlessly defending or explaining yourself. Celebrate Non-Engagement Wins Action: Track each day you successfully avoid an argument or inflammatory post. Reward yourself—whether it’s a small treat or just a mental high-five. How it helps: Reinforces positive behavior, making you more likely to continue avoiding unproductive debates. Read more: All
Which do you think would make the world a better place:
People are blocked for all sorts of missteps. Or perceived missteps. This leads to things worsening. Either they did misstep, but they will never learn, because all of the people who think that they did something wrong never talk to them again. Or they didn't misstep, and the conflict will never be resolved because the party that feels aggrieved can never get clarifying information or improve their own ethical system. The solution to this in your own life is to cultivate a forgiving attitude. To be slow to anger and quick to forgive. To use blocking as big escalations that you do only after using lesser methods first, such as:
You can skill up in learning how to do conflict resolution. There are plenty of good books out there. Crucial Conversations is one of the best Of course, some people are indeed bad actors and you should just avoid them. But the false positive rate is massive, so you should always take a while before you exile somebody with no chance of reconciliation. Do not succumb to current societal pressures to just instaban people from your life who you think are bad. That is what it feels like on the inside to be contributing to polarization. If you want peace and harmony, be the change you want to see. Cultivate the habit of giving the benefit of the doubt Read more: All If you want Twitter to have better epistemics, we need to have more forgiving blocking practices10/28/2024 If you want Twitter to have better epistemics, we need to have more forgiving blocking practices Trigger-happy blocking leads to echo chambers. Yes, even blocking people who seem to have “bad epistemics”. Because remember two facts:
This is a fundamental practice of good epistemics. What seems like “bad epistemics” might actually be correct. Or you might have misunderstood what the person was saying. This happens all. The. Time. Don’t block yourself from updating.
How are people going to come to better conclusions if all the people with said good conclusions won’t let them even see the better conclusions?
Whenever I hear about somebody being blocked for something that seems small, I become more scared to post online. What if that happens to me? Lots of other people are thinking this too. This leads to less intellectual exploration and sharing, leading to an intellectual scene that is decidedly suboptimal. Of course, sometimes blocking is the correct thing to do. I’m not saying to never block people. Just be cautious with blocking. Only resort to blocking after:
But if they were just aggressive towards me, I’ll follow the steps above. Because I want to be the change I want to see in the world. I want to practice blocking practices that prevent echo chambers and promote civil disagreement. Polarization requires people to participate for it to work. And you can decide to not participate. Read more: All You shouldn't talk about men's issues if you're not a man, because only men can truly understand the lived experience of men. Same goes for non-fascists discussing fascism. Sound ridiculous? It's just as ridiculous when you say the same thing about women or black people. Read more: All Why do people call almost anything a "genocide" these days? It's because if it's a genocide, then you're allowed to do extreme acts. To defend yourself, you see. You see this among the left tribe and the right tribe. You see people calling immigration "genocide" against the native population. Saying teenagers shouldn't get puberty blockers is called a "genocide" against trans people. If you look at both claims at their face value they are clearly ridiculous. But if you see them as a bid to try to widen the Overton window about legitimate strategies to stop the "problem" they make a lot more sense As with all things to do with humans, you'll find it's a lot more complicated than just that of course. There's the usual word inflation happening. And word inflation is exacerbated by the internet which rewards the people who use the most inflammatory language. There's also woke ideology that encourages people to choose the maximally victimhood mindset. That combines especially poorly with idea that you cannot question anybody who claims to be a victim. There is probably copying on both sides where both sides see the other side saying that everything is genocide and so they think hey, I could use that technique as well. And of course, there are actually legitimate genocides that happen. I'm just trying to figure out why people are calling almost anything a genocide nowadays. Like, having smaller percentage of your population be a particular race due to immigration and different fertility rates is hardly the same as going around with machetes and systematically trying to exterminate a certain race. Read more: All Reading a book about an ex-islamist recruiter saying that they purposely called any objections to them "racist" because they knew it was a conversation winner.
We also know this is the explicit policy of the CCP. People need to know this. If you have a win conversation button, people will press it. You can't just have somebody call something racist and then there's nothing you can do. It will be abused and it is being abused. Mr Beast has a classic woke mob attacking him.
Here’s a quick summary:
I could go on. There are endless ridiculous details. But that’s the gist of it. Just your usual woke mob nonsense. I don’t watch Mr. Beast, but if that’s the worst people can find for somebody who’s worked with so many people and is so famous, I honestly update favorably on him. I feel for him and hope he has loved ones close by to help him weather this woke storm. And who knows, maybe he’ll realize what so many victims of woke mobs realize - that this woke stuff is horrible and should be stopped. Using his platform to fight that could help the world a lot. The teenage boy, now an adult, has come out consistently saying that all the accusations are lies and nonsense. For example, one of the accusations is that the woman in her twenties took him, a defenseless innocent 16 year old boy, out alone in a camper into the desert (cue ominous music). According to the actual “victim”, that was a trip with the entire Mr Beast team and his family. Anyways, this could be some crazy cover up conspiracy. Or it could be a woke mob. If the apparent victim keeps saying they aren’t a victim, I say - believe them. For the young person doing the Mr Beast challenge, it was a challenge of $10k for every day he could survive isolation in a room stocked with a hot tub, ice cream machine, gaming consoles and VR headsets, and tons of other cool things. Apparently they needed to keep the lights on for recording reasons, and that messed with the guy’s sleep. He also found being alone for days really hard (cause yeah, duh). He quit after 11 days. Now he’s doing a “tell all” where he complains that doing the challenge was challenging and he should have gotten paid more money for reasons (also the hot tub smelled bad sometimes! 😭). Did the guy suffer? Yeah. Did he know what he was getting into and do it anyways? Yep. Is he taking any responsibility for making his own decisions as an informed and consenting adult? Not at all. Why? Because he felt “pressured”. The pressure? His greed. He wanted money. And knew if he stayed longer, he’d get more money. And if he didn’t get the money he’d starve. (Classic woke catastrophizing. Dude just made $110k and is saying that if he didn’t make another $10k he’d starve. 🙄) And when he didn’t get all of the money he wanted, he’s trying to portray the whole thing as psychological torture (solitary confinement! Sleep deprivation!) He could have left at any time. He did leave and get paid boatloads of money. And now instead of saying “thank for the $100k!”, he’s trying to throw Mr Beast under the bus because he didn’t get even more money. The classic woke cry-bully formula of using weaponized compassion whenever they feel strong negative emotions. Mr. Beast if you're reading this, stand tall. Don't succumb to the mob. Don't apologize, because as an outsider who doesn't know you from Adam, it's clear to me you didn't do anything wrong and you're just the next victim of the woke ideology that is so very terrible. People will tell you to apologize, but that will just encourage the mob. It will be seen as an admission of guilt. Fight back. Fight back for yourself and fight back for the world. If more people see people fight back, it will encourage others to fight back too. This is just this generation's version of calling somebody a communist or running a satanic pedophilia cult. You are just the latest target of this insanity, and you can use your fame to make a real difference here. Woke = maximum entitlement + minimizing responsibility + feelings are reality.
Maximum entitlement = they deserve however much money or status or pleasure they want immediately and if they don’t get it it’s abuse. Examples: - A fat woman says its fat phobic to not be attracted to her (the female version of incel entitlement to women) - A young person wants to get paid more straight out of college and doesn’t get their preferred salary. They say that they’re being exploited. - A woman wants a promotion and doesn’t get it. Says the workplace is toxic and has to leave for her mental health Minimizing responsibility = if a person makes a decision then regrets it later, it wasn’t their choice. They were forced/pressured/couldn’t say no. Examples: - A woman decides to sleep with a man. She later regrets it. She says that the person pressured her into sex and she couldn’t say no. - A young person decides to take a job. He doesn’t like aspects of the job. He says that the job was toxic/abusive and he couldn’t say no. Otherwise he’d starve or be homeless etc. - A college-educated woman decides to go into sex work instead of any other job. She says she was forced into sex work. Feelings are reality = if they ever have strong negative emotions such as sadness or fear, it’s because they’re being abused / actually in danger. Examples: - A woman felt scared that if she said no to a man’s sexual advances he’d hurt her career. She takes the fear as evidence that he would hurt her career if she said no, even if she did say no and nothing bad happened. - A black person feels afraid of police officers, which means he’s actually in danger from police officers - A young person felt bad at work, therefore the work was abusive If you like Scott Alexander, I can't recommend Mania by Lionel Shriver enough. It's the first mainstream book I've ever read with a centrist/gray tribe protagonist. It's set in an alternative reality where the woke ideology has banned the word stupid because it's exclusionary to people who are intellectually challenged. The author is wicked smart and if you've ever been attacked by a woke mob or had a loved one be attacked, you will feel so seen. There is something very cathartic about having a fictional character go through what you went through. Re-experiencing it in insightful and beautiful prose is remarkably healing. Categories All Looting is bad
It's bad when the right does it. It's bad when the left does it. Don't loot. If you find yourself on a team that is participating in looting, consider that you are quite likely the bad guys. Even if the overall cause is just, you must strongly and loudly disavow the looters and do your best to stop them because if you don't, it will hurt the rest of your cause. You will have lost all of your moral high ground. Don't steal. This is like, the most basic of ethical principles. I had a friend who was a child soldier in Sierra Leone, and he once participated in looting because he was starving. And that was still bad! That food was going to be given out to the starving, and instead him and his gang took it and ate some of it themselves, and sold the rest for drugs and weapons. Don't. Loot. Duh. Referring to the looting happening in England right now, which is shameful and dumb and reminding me that while I'm more often exposed to the far left, and they drive me nuts, I also am rather not a fan of the far right either. Probably because there is no such thing as a left-to-right spectrum, but rather, just left tribe and right tribe. So saying "far right" is just saying "extremely loyal to the right tribe". And extremely tribal people are much more prone to extreme behavior. |
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Kat WoodsI'm an effective altruist who co-founded Nonlinear, Charity Entrepreneurship, and Charity Science Health Archives
January 2025